Films with guaranteed minimum recycled content

Circular economy is becoming more and more important. The reuse of materials is essential for producers worldwide. The use of so-called recyclates is worthwhile because using the material conserves natural resources.

A distinction is made between recyclates that come from B2B industrial waste (so-called "post-industrial recyclates" or PIR for short) and recyclates that originate from the end consumer (so-called "post-consumer recyclates" or PCR for short).

Folienwerk Wolfen uses both sources - we rely on the certification of our materials and processes in order to be able to offer our customers products in a transparent manner.

data sheets
  • Partly from post-consumer recyclates (PCR)
  • Certified according to UNE-EN 15343:2007
  • Recyclates evaluated by EFSA
  • Guaranteed - certified - minimum content

How does certification according to EN 15343 work?

The calculation must be carried out at different stages of the value chain, as it can change during recycling, compounding and processing. For us, this means that only recyclates whose suppliers have also certified their products according to EN 15343 may be used.

Information based on a controlled minimum approach, corresponding to a minimum proportion of recycled plastics, thus ensuring reliable, understandable and trustworthy communication to stakeholders, customers and consumers.

EN 15343 certificate
  • Partly from post-industrial recyclates (PIR)
  • Guaranteed - certified - minimum content

How are in-house recyclates produced?

All in-house and customer-sourced B2B waste as well as externally purchased PIR recyclates or flakes are processed in our in-house regranulation and mixed into our films in various proportions.

HTP certificate
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