Liability for Links:
We are not responsible for content of third party websites to which we refer on our website (via “hyperlinks” or “deep links”) and do not embrace such content as our own. We are however able to confirm that at the time of creating the links no illegal content was discernable on the linked websites. We have no influence on current or future composition, content or authorship of the linked websites. This is why we dissociate ourselves expressly from any content of all linked websites which has been altered subsequent to the creation of the respective link. This applies for all links and references within our own website. For illegal, faulty or incomplete content and especially for damages resulting from the use of the information provided on the linked websites solely the provider of the respective website made reference to is liable. In case we receive information with respect to illegal, unlawful or faulty content on websites we have created a link to we will delete the respective link.